
Gray Whale Watching Day Trips in Baja’s Magdalena Bay of Mexico

Gray Whale Watching Day Trips in Baja Mexico’s Magdalena Bay

The world’s population of gray whales returns each winter to Mexico’s Baja Peninsula. There they enter the sheltered lagoons along the Pacific coast where barrier islands protect them from the storms and surf of the open ocean. Magdalena Bay is the largest of these lagoons and the winter home to thousands of breeding gray whales. After traveling from the Bering Sea on the longest migration of any mammal, they give birth to their calves and mate to create future generations.

You can witness this amazing concentration of gray whales firsthand every February and March. The government of Mexico has protected the calving lagoons and has strict regulations on whale watching activities to protect the gray whales. Under the guidance of a licensed skiff captain we can move among the whale herds for some close up views. We may be fortunate enough to have some of the friendly whales approach our boat for some human contact. Imagine petting a whale and looking one

Gray Whale Watching Day Trips in Baja Mexico’s Magdalena Bay

Magdalena Bay gray whale watching is included as a day-trip extension on two of our sea kayaking tours. We also offer a multi-day gray whale camping tour. Please read our Baja kayaking itineraries comparison page to learn more about the different Baja kayaking tours we offer and how they differ. All gray whale watching tours, regardless of length, use a 22 foot motorized skiff to approach whales. These are stable vessels and cameras are handy to document the whales behavior that may include breaching, spy-hopping, fluking, nursing and mating. You will probably also see dolphins, sea lions, pelicans, and thousands of shorebirds. Your guide will identify the unique Baja plants, birds and other wildlife of Mexico’s lagoons.


Quick Gray Whale Watching Trip Facts: If you missed the harder to spot whale species while kayaking in the Sea of Cortez, this extension will virtually guarantee that you will encounter at least one whale species during your vacation! The one-day gray whale watching extension includes van transportation from Loreto, 2 hours of whale watching by boat, snacks, lunch and a naturalist guide. The multi-day gray whale camping adventure offers extended hours for whale-watching and kayaks are available at the base-camp for exploring the amazing area. Gray whales are only present from mid-January to mid-March.